Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 3 = 09/07/07

Today in class we discussed chapter 3, projections and coordinate systems, in the GISF book. The powerpoint for the chapter is, to say the least, rather long. For the lab we did chapter 13 in the GTKA book. The plan was to do the ESRI 'live' Training Seminar, on the GIS blog site, but due to time issues that seminar is assigned for homework. The announcement was made that there is going to be a test next class period on chapters one thru three. About five blogs and six maps up from this blog are the maps for chapter 13 in the GTKA book. I finally was able to to get around to exporting the map from ArcMap into a jpeg file. Even though this blog was created on 09/07/07 I wasn't able to upload the images until Friday, 10/19/07. That is alittle over a month to have the images uploaded. I have got to get these images uploaded that day the labs are assigned if not the day after.

Week 2 = 08/31/07

Today in class we discussed the different types of data modules. We also did chapter 4 and chapter 14 labs in the GTKA book.